Симулятор оборудования для моделирования Vr 9d 360 Vr Chair Machine

Симулятор оборудования для моделирования Vr 9d 360 Vr Chair Machine

Movie Power — компания, которая специализируется на разработке динамических симуляций, цифровом контенте и цифровых раз
Базовая информация.
Модель №.VR СуперМашина Времени
Допустимый пассажир1
СертификацияCE, ISO9001, ККЦ
Номинальная грузоподъемность150 кг
Масса460 кг
Угол поворота20
VR-гарнитураДапенг E3c
Угол поворота360
Номинальное напряжение220В
Фактическая рабочая мощность2,5 кВт
Номинальная мощность4,0 кВт
Размер товара200*135*250см
наименование товараVR Супер Машина Времени
Транспортный пакетБезопасная воздушно-пузырчатая пленка Pacakge
Товарный знакСила кино
Производственная мощность1000
Описание продукта

Vr Simulation Equipment Simulator 9d 360 Vr Chair Machine

Vr Simulation Equipment Simulator 9d 360 Vr Chair Machine

Vr Simulation Equipment Simulator 9d 360 Vr Chair Machine

Vr Simulation Equipment Simulator 9d 360 Vr Chair Machine

Vr Simulation Equipment Simulator 9d 360 Vr Chair Machine

Movie Power is a company that focuses on dynamic simulation design, digital content, and digital entertainment, and has the largest product system in the industry. Since its establishment, Movie Power has successfully promoted VR products to the consumer markets in 150 countries globally. Movie Power has integrated a set of mature, stable and efficient products after years of exploration and precipitation. business operation model. In the future, Movie Power will continue to devote itself to bringing an extremely rich and immersive VR experience to more users. Looking forward to the future, virtual reality (VR) devices may gradually replace traditional entertainment devices in the next 5-10 years due to immersive interactions and become the next digital entertainment terminal.However, Movie Power has been leading the industry in the early stage, more confidently participating in industry innovation, defining a new business model under the Meta verse, and leading the new ecology under virtual reality.TEAM AND AWARDSIn the future, Movie Power will insist on development, invest heavily in technology development to develop the latest applications such as VR/AR, realize intelligent digital upgrades, and output one-stop VR entertainment marketing solutions for customers. Diversified VR technology equipment is scientifically combined in terms of square effect, popularity, and viscosity, and helps customers build a one-stop VR theme park from scratch to achieve multiple profits.